by Patricia Frischer
Image credit: Thanks to Fritzie Urquhart for her interpretation of my enthusiasm for San Diego Arts and Culture |
We have been working at SDVAN for over 10 years with a dedicated group to bring back a SD County Arts and Culture government agency. Today was a red letter day as all five Supervisors voted to advance this proposal to the next stage. A huge thank you to the supervisors Vargas and Fletcher. We are excited to see who the Chief Administrative office will appoint to complete the following recommendations.
- Assess the role the County of San Diego already plays in arts and culture, including an assessment of how Community Enhancement Program grants have been provided to arts and culture organizations.
- Identify opportunities to leverage state and federal funding to ensure nontraditional arts and culture organizations are included.
- Look at how to increase equity in the access to arts and culture in the region and capitalize on the economic potential of an increased arts and culture program throughout the county to build equity.
- Report back to the board within 90 days with a recommendation on how to expand the role of the County in promoting and participating arts and culture opportunities, including the creation of a Commission on Arts and Culture.
We always give thanks to our beloved Larry Baza for championing this effort.
You can hear the session #8 in the first ½ hour of the
following utube video:
Thank you to those who stuck it out and spoke in person or on the phone and to the wonderful support from the following 86 who wrote comments on the county website.
Tom Noel at August 15, 2021 at 9:31am PDT My late partner Larry Baza was an advocate for the arts in San Diego. He believed that the arts help to create a stronger environment for life and progress. As an arts administrator and as a member of the California Arts Council, Larry saw the creation of a Countywide Arts Council, supported by the Board of Supervisors as a top priority for the region he loved. Larry passed away in February, or he would be here today to ask all the Supervisors to join him in supporting agenda item 8. Thank you.
John Rippo at August 14, 2021 at 10:46pm PDT Philosopher Eric Hoffer said that for a place to home to creativity, thought and action, it has to be easy to live in, have no fear of failure, enough capital, more intellectual capital and sufficient resources. He may as well have described San Diego. As our history shows, creativity pays and always has; by reanimating a dedicated Arts and Culture org within County, you will aid artistic, creative, intellectual and other development in ways yet unknown to the future. God knows we need that.
Craddock Stropes at August 14, 2021 at 10:42pm PDT The arts and culture community has given so much to the region in terms of jobs, investment dollars and quality of life; it deserves a dedicated County arts commission commensurate with other world-class communities. Thank you for this milestone opportunity to ensure the future of arts and culture in our region. As a longtime patron, volunteer and former staff member of several arts organizations in San Diego, I am urging you to please pass the Recommendations for Item #8.
Ann Gilbert at August 14, 2021 at 6:17pm PDT I strongly believe that the arts are critical to restrengthening our community, both psychologically and physically post covid. Vibrant art and cultural activities that are open and available to everyone will build our community and relationships.
Lonnie Hewitt at August 14, 2021 at 4:49pm PDT As an arts writer, I would very much like to see you pass Item #8: Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts and Culture. It will be great to have a county arts agency and especially great if you involve local artists and arts organizations in its formation. Thanks in advance for your support! I think you'll be proud to see the future results of your culture-enriching decision.
Diana Casey at August 14, 2021 at 10:22am PDT The San Diego Women's Chorus is a sisterhood of musicians that seeks to encourage women's creativity, celebrate diversity, and inspire social action. We support the recommendation of Supervisors Vargas and Fletcher with respect to an assessment of County arts and culture to promote the arts and equality to access. We also support the creation of a Commission of Arts and Culture. Funding from the County has been critical to keeping our doors open and promoting women's voices. Thank you.
Edward Parish at August 14, 2021 at 6:30am PDT We live in a wonderful and diverse commpunity............the arts are an integral part of our community providing growth and experience for all............thanks for your support in means a great deal.........again, much thanks.........Ed Parish
Keith Pedersen at August 13, 2021 at 10:38pm PDT I support the study of arts and cultural opportunities throughout our county. As a director of county-wide singing opportunities like the Point Loma Nazarene University Choral Union, summer sings offered by First United Methodist Church, and the Sacra/Profana Summer Choral Intensive at PLNU, I have seend how choral music enriches lives and brings people together from around the county. We need a county arts agency to ensure equal access and continued cultural opportunities for all San Diegans.
Sandi Slattery at August 13, 2021 at 5:28pm PDT It would be great to have a county arts agency. Much needed and long overdue. Please pass the Recommendations for item #8 "Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture." It is important to please use the resources, knowledge and experience of Local Arts Agencies, artists, and arts organizations in the Administrator’s 90-day research efforts.
Kristianne Kurner at August 13, 2021 at 5:16pm PDT New Village Arts in District 5 enthusiastically supports the “Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture” recommendations that will come before the Board on Tuesday, August 17. Diverse arts and culture are needed in our community now more than ever, and a commission that serves all of San Diego County will make a big impact.
Christopher Chalupsky at August 13, 2021 at 4:33pm PDT As a member of the San Diego Regional Arts & Culture Steering Commission and full-time arts administer leading the Arts Program at San Diego International Airport, I support - and ask you to support - the “Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture” recommendations that will come before the Board on Tuesday, August 17. The benefits of this assessment extend beyond the arts & culture sectors and provide the opportunity to positively impact residents throughout the county.
Toni Robin at August 13, 2021 at 3:18pm PDT yes yes yes to a county arts commission!
Raul Cabral at August 13, 2021 at 2:46pm PDT We as artist, don’t feel that the city supports our work. We are vulnerable more than ever since the pandemic. We need your support and help more than ever.
Thank you,
Raúl Cabral
ANAMARIA CABATO at August 13, 2021 at 2:37pm PDT On behalf of PASACAT, we support “Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture.” We have been a recipient of CEP grants since 1997. The creation of a Commission for Arts and Culture is long over due. Our local artists are an integral part in making our region so vibrant and when there's vibrancy, there is joy, and when there's joy, there's peace. Now more than ever do we need the arts and what better way than to support this recommendation.
Christopher Conroe at August 13, 2021 at 2:35pm PDT Christopher Conroe in District 3 supports the “Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture” recommendations that will come before the Board on Tuesday, August 17.
"Art for the sake of Art."
Michelle Kantor at August 13, 2021 at 2:31pm PDT As an artist, I have found very little assistance or facilitation from this council. Went to one meeting and I was confounded by the disregard for the artist community in San Diego. Very little or no outreach, particularly during the pandemic and moving forward. Just interested in the funding for their council members and bureaucrats working within their community. The artists have no representation in this city. The City Council might acknowledge this sad state of affairs.
Timothy Shields at August 13, 2021 at 1:58pm PDT The Old Globe Theatre, one of San Diego’s leading performing arts institutions, is located in District 3 but provides a variety of programs to the diverse citizens in every supervisorial district. We strongly support the “Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture” recommendations that will be before the Board on Tuesday, August 17, and hope that you’ll pass them without delay. As we exit the pandemic providing for support of arts and cultural organizations is much needed.
Peter Kalivas at August 13, 2021 at 1:49pm PDT The PGK DANCE Project of District 4 serves residents and visitors countywide and wishes your support of our mission, purpose and vision:
• To be a platform that produces and presents professional dance representative of the world around us.
• Where dance is more affordable and more easily available to all through partnerships with community places, spaces and technology.
• To create paid opportunities for a wide variety of dance artists that help sustain our mission, purpose, vision.
Felicia Shaw at August 13, 2021 at 1:46pm PDT On behalf of the Women’s Museum of California - D4 - and as a 44-year resident of SD County and patron of the arts, I lend my support to the “Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture” recommendations that will come before the Board on Tuesday, August 17. This is a historic opportunity to create opportunities for increased County support for arts and culture. With no fiscal impact to the budget, the time is right to move forward!
Heath Fox at August 13, 2021 at 1:40pm PDT The La Jolla Historical Society in D4 enthusiastically supports the “Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture” recommendations that will be presented on August 17. We reach all areas of the County through collaborative exhibitions and programs, serving both residents and cultural tourists. This is an historic opportunity for the County to invest in the cultural life of all San Diego communities, and we strongly urge the Supervisors to pass these recommendations. Thank you!
Matt Carney at August 13, 2021 at 1:15pm PDT On behalf of the San Diego Ballet that resides in D4 and does arts programming in all County Districts, we support the “Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture” recommendations that will come before the Board on Tuesday, August 17. Thank you for this historic opportunity and please pass all of the Recommendations. This coordinated effort will help to amplify that arts and culture services county wide. This is more than doing is about uplifting the entire community!
Patricia Frischer at August 13, 2021 at 1:12pm PDT As the founder of SD Visual Arts Network with 2500 resources listed county wide, we thank you for this milestone opportunity to have a county arts agency. Please pass the Recommendations for item #8 Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture. It is important to please use the resources, knowledge and experience of Local Arts Agencies, artists, and arts organizations in the Administrator’s 90 day research efforts. This is a long overdue and much needed agency for our entire county.
Christopher Hines at August 13, 2021 at 1:06pm PDT Arts and culture institutions support a thriving community and provide opportunities for tourists to fall in love with our community. The amount of money that enters the city from arts and culture patrons should be reason alone to support the arts. The added, and more noble, effect it has on underserved and underrepresented communities goes without saying.
Nivardo Valenzuela at August 11, 2021 at 5:15pm PDT Our region will benefit greatly from a department promoting the creative industries present in our county as well as an agency that supports cultural policy across the five districts. According to a report published by the San Diego Regional EDC and the City of San Diego in Fall 2020, the fiscal impact of creative industries in the region of San Diego is $11.1 Billion. We need an agency that transforms our region into an international and multicultural dynamic, vibrant, thriving creative hub.
Andy Washburn at August 11, 2021 at 2:46pm PDT I’m writing in support of Agenda item 8 - REIMAGINE VIBRANT COMMUNITIES THROUGH ARTS & CULTURE
Some of the reasons to support the arts in our county are:
• The arts help build and unify communities.
• The arts increase tourism revenue for our local businesses.
• The arts improve creativity, innovation, and well-being in individuals.
The arts are humanity’s soul.
Thank you for your consideration.
Helen Kupka at August 15, 2021 at 4:24pm PDT As chair of the Coronado Cultural Arts Commission, I support "Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts and Culture". I would hope the study involves arts organizations, creatives and commissions such as our own to provide a well-rounded picture of both the impact and potential we provide for our communities and the region. I would love to see the re-establishment of an arts council at the county level, including representation from the our communities and financial support from the County.
Lynn Underwood at August 16, 2021 at 10:27am PDT This is an important aspect of our community and should be honored and activated.--This quote underscores the importance: A diverse board can do much more than “check the box.” It can expand the knowledge, experience and insight that go into a community's decision-making, and it can ultimately lead to both an improved culture and growth.
Brigid Parsons at August 16, 2021 at 10:23am PDT I have been involved in local arts for 14 years: Oceanside (current chair of Arts Commission, OMA, FF Oceanside Art Walk, Studio ACE), North County (secretary of NCAN, former Arts Assistant for the city of Encinitas), county-wide arts organizations (County Confab) and state (CAC panel member and rep). We thank you for this milestone opportunity to work toward a county-wide arts agency to represent all areas of the county, especially those that currently have no arts civic infrastructure.
Julia Fister at August 16, 2021 at 10:20am PDT Thank you, Supervisor Vargas and Fletcher for this opportunity to discuss a county wide arts agency. At the most basic level we need some sort of Chamber of Commerce for the Arts as a way to promote the arts as an economic driver and an innovative way to collaborate with and reinforce the County’s primary goals and objectives. I support recommendations in agenda item #8 for stronger arts and culture representation in San Diego County.
Shelley Herron at August 16, 2021 at 10:06am PDT As a member of the San Diego Festival Chorus, I benefit personally from participation in the arts in East County. In addition, my daughter with Down syndrome has participated in Arms Wide Open, a performing arts program for people with special needs, based in El Cajon. I support more access to participation in and attendance at arts and culture events. Thank you for your attention to this issue!
Dalouge Smith at August 16, 2021 at 10:02am PDT Please take this first step to formalizing the County's support for equitable investment in arts & culture! It has been over 25 years since the County had any staff with arts & culture expertise so please call on the Chief Administrative Office to collaborate with an advisory group of local artists, administrators, and activists who work with historically marginalized youth and adults most negatively impacted by inequity in housing, health, workforce, education, and justice systems.
Holly MartinBollard at August 16, 2021 at 9:08am PDT As the director of operations for the Timken Museum of Art, I see firsthand the positive impact of arts across age groups and segments of society. I support the proposed recommendations in agenda item #8 and the foundation it provides for a vibrant arts and culture community.
Bob Lehman at August 16, 2021 at 8:41am PDT The San Diego Museum Council (D4), with more than 40 museums located in every San Diego County district, strongly supports the creation of a San Diego County Commission for Arts and Culture (Agenda item 8 - REIMAGINE VIBRANT COMMUNITIES THROUGH ARTS & CULTURE). We commend Chair Fletcher and Supervisor Vargas for their leadership in this historic opportunity to strengthen our County's arts and culture community, a major component of our region's economic success.
TE Caballero at August 16, 2021 at 1:39am PDT I support the recommendations to "Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture" (17 August 2021 BOS Meeting Item #8). It is valid to task the County's CAO with a report on how to expand the County's role in arts and culture, as well as how to reestablish the County's Arts and Culture Commission. Deep listening to diverse communities, patrons, and practitioners within our border region is needed. Right will, knowledge, and action yields much abundance that can be equitably shared.
Andrew Utt at August 15, 2021 at 11:22pm PDT As Executive Director of the Institute of Contemporary Art, San Diego in Districts 3 and 4, we support the “Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture” recommendations that will come before the Board on Tuesday, August 17. These recommendations will be the essential first step towards driving San Diego as a cultural destination that is inclusive in its approach. We hope that Supervisors Lawson-Remer, Desmond, and Anderson agree and support arts and culture for years to come.
Denise Sarram at August 15, 2021 at 8:40pm PDT I am an artist in North county San Diego, which is a vibrant visual and performing arts community. Thank you Supervisors Vargas and Fletcher for your support of #8. What we need to take this to the next level is paid art professionals to help form this new county agency.
The entire county will benefit from this!
Anne Porter at August 16, 2021 at 11:12am PDT I support the creation of a County Arts Council in order to consolidate funding opportunities for arts groups in San Diego under one umbrella. Especially during the Pandemic, our arts groups keep us active, engaged and producing art in many innovative ways, and they need support. One arts council for the County will provide information about arts activities throughout the County, for the County. San Diego is too big a County to not have an arts council. Thank you for your consideration.
Victoria Hamilton at August 16, 2021 at 11:46am PDT Please support #8 directing the CAO do a 90-day assessment of County arts and culture, identify and leverage opportunities for funding arts and culture throughout the County, identify ways of building equity in access - and ultimately - to create a County Commission on Arts and Culture (and what it would look like). Thank you
This has been long needed and could create a real opportunity for more County support for arts and culture. There is NO fiscal impact to do the assessment.
Naomi Nussbaum at August 16, 2021 at 11:28am PDT Thank you Supervisors Vargas and Fletcher for recommending Item #8 Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture.
Our arts community needs equal representation at the County level. Through our creativity and innovative ideas, I believe a county-wide arts agency will promote the arts as an economic driver to make San Diego an international arts destination as well as complement and enhance the County’s goals and objectives.
Andrew Waltz, Director of Programs, NTC Foundation at August 16, 2021 at 11:23am PDT Andrew Waltz in District 1 supports the “Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture” recommendations that will come before the Board on 08.17.21. Call on the Chief Administrative Office to collaborate with an advisory group of local artists, administrators, and activists who work with historically marginalized youth and adults most negatively impacted by inequity in housing, health, workforce, education, and justice systems.
Deanne sabeck at August 16, 2021 at 12:29pm PDT As an long time artist in the San Diego community, I urge you to please pass the Recommendations for item #8 Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture. It is important to use the resources, knowledge and experience of Local Arts Agencies, artists, and arts organizations in the Administrator’s 90 day research efforts. This is a long overdue and much needed agency for our entire county.
Michael Rennie at August 16, 2021 at 12:11pm PDT Michael Rennie in District 2 supports the “Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture” recommendations that will come before the Board on 08.17.21. In the absence of a County Arts Commission, Arts groups located outside San Diego City limits have been severely limited in their access to State and Federal Funds earmarked for Arts and Culture. The creation of a County Arts Council is long-overdue and stands to benefit the 2 million County residents who live outside SD City limits.
Kayla Moshki at August 16, 2021 at 11:50am PDT Thank you Supervisors Vargas and Fletcher for recommending Item #8 Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture.
Our arts community needs equal representation at the County level. Through our creativity and innovative ideas, I believe a county-wide arts agency will promote the arts as an economic driver to make San Diego an international arts destination as well as complement and enhance the County’s goals and objectives.
Manuel Aguilar at August 16, 2021 at 12:52pm PDT As a board member of the San Diego Museum Council and a ticket services representative from the Old Globe Theatre which are both headquartered in District 4, I support the “Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture” recommendations that will come before the Board on Tuesday, August 17th. I agree to having the County’s Chief Administrative Officer perform a 90-day assessment of the County’s arts and culture needs so that a County Commission on Arts and Culture can be created.
Molly TerbovichRidenhour at August 16, 2021 at 12:32pm PDT As President & CEO of the San Diego Civic Youth Ballet in District 3, we support the “Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture” recommendations that will come before the Board on Tuesday, August 17. These recommendations will be the essential first step towards driving San Diego as a cultural destination that is inclusive in its approach. We hope that Supervisors Lawson-Remer, Desmond, and Anderson agree and support arts and culture for years to come.
Mel Lions at August 16, 2021 at 12:30pm PDT Arts and culture define us and the communities in which we live, and provide the meaning and context in which our lives take place. San Diego County abounds with influences from myriad cultures, each offering different perspectives and ways of expressing them for the public to enjoy: music, food, fine arts, folk arts, poetry, dance. The more we share world views through the arts, the stronger the fabric of our greater community becomes. All great regions are recognized by their culture. Are we?
Amie Hayes at August 16, 2021 at 1:35pm PDT Supervisors, SOHO supports all four recommendations related to the Reimagine Vibrant Communities through Arts and Culture. The Arts and Culture industry will play a large role in the recovery of our local economy, thank you for discussing this topic. SOHO also encourages this assessment and identification effort tap into the resources, expertise, and experience of local arts agencies, artists, cultural workers, and arts/culture organizations.Thank you,
Bruce Coons
Executive Director, SOHO
Marti Kranzberg at August 16, 2021 at 1:00pm PDT Last century a group of passionate professionals concerned about city planning & development established a local chapter of Partners for Livable Places. We did the homework and based on the studies of “Economics of Amenities” we found out the Truth: Investments in “amenities,” (Art & Culture) PAYS off. There are lot’s of great reasons to support the Arts, but the bottom line- there is significant increase in $value for all of our communities when we invest in the Arts. Your support helps us grow
David Frink at August 16, 2021 at 1:58pm PDT As a member of Imperial Beach Arts Bureau, I heartily support item #8, "Reimagine Vibrant Community Through Arts & Culture. A truly vibrant Art Scene throughout the region could be a real draw for visitors & yet another reason for us to be proud to live here!
Ken Stipanov at August 16, 2021 at 2:17pm PDT As Chair of the Board of the NTC Foundation, I urge approval of this measure.
Wendy WilsonGibson at August 16, 2021 at 4:42pm PDT As an artist, curator and arts administrator working in all districts of San Diego County, I support the “Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture” recommendations. As the director of the Bonita Museum & Cultural Center and the Bonita Historical Society (District 1), I appreciate working hand in hand with the County to provide equitable opportunities to enrich our communities.
erika torri at August 16, 2021 at 4:01pm PDT I am the director for the Athenaeum Music & Arts Library (Library Association of La Jolla) and we encourage you to pass the "Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture." Programs through this will allow us and other institutions to continue provide educational programming in music and arts throughout San Diego County. Through our La Jolla location as well as our satellite branch, Athenaeum Art Center, in Logan Heights we can promote youth arts education.
Becky Goodman at August 16, 2021 at 3:51pm PDT La Jolla Playhouse (District 4) urges you to pass the “Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture” recommendations. The Playhouse’s Learning & Engagement team consistently reaches out across all County Districts to deepen reciprocal relationships with community members, including students, educators, military/veterans, adult learners, incarcerated youth and other groups for whom the arts are less accessible. A county-wide arts and culture coalition will enhance this important work.
Steve dilley at August 16, 2021 at 3:42pm PDT Dear County Supervisors,
Having a county wide Arts council/agency is a great idea for advocacy and outreach. As the Executive Director of The Veterans Art Project. We need more Art making studios that are supported by the county of San Diego in general. Art making equals wellness for our Military connected populations.
As the state contract holder for the MHSOAC contract for Veterans health and wellness through pop-up Art cafe. Mental health is mental wealth. Thank you
Debra Emerson at August 16, 2021 at 3:21pm PDT This is important for our community as a whole. Culture and Arts builds economics in our community and gives many with different people show their talents and earn income in different forms of art. St. Madeleine Sophie's Center has a gallery that supports people intellectual and developmental disabilities show their abilities not their disabilities. They can be artist and shine with their abilities not their disabilities.
Lisa Davenport at August 16, 2021 at 3:08pm PDT It's more important than ever to give artists the reign to do what we do best, create and encourage creativity and have a say as to how we move ahead in promoting arts in this city. San Diego is not just about the beaches and sports, but we need to show now more than ever we are a city for the arts.
Elizabeth Washburn at August 16, 2021 at 2:57pm PDT Please support the creation of a County Arts Commission. In this time of uncertainty, we need the arts to be supported to help alleviate stress and bring people (safely) together.
Mary Hale at August 16, 2021 at 5:40pm PDT Please support this initiative!
Marshall Carder at August 16, 2021 at 5:29pm PDT There is nothing more important for our children and the future of our communities than instruction in Art and Culture. The power of art to teach and to heal is well documented and has been mostly forgotten by those in power. Please help us to fund this program!!
Joseph Olesky at August 16, 2021 at 5:18pm PDT As a Veteran of the US NAVY, who served honorably and with distinction in the Medical Corp. Currently, as a therapist, who worked therapeutically at Veteran Village, I have seen the need for ancillary services such as art, for Veterans to better deal with their PTSD and other combat issues in lieu of heavy medication, drugs/alcohol. I wholeheartedly support this organization.
Tina Christiansen at August 16, 2021 at 5:18pm PDT I support this program as a 30 year resident who has seen how the arts has grown in our community and enriches all our lives. Please approve!
Sherry Hansen at August 16, 2021 at 5:12pm PDT I am on the Board of the Imperial Beach Arts Bureau. I support anything that furthers interest, education & desire to continually beautify our community.
Edward Spriggs at August 16, 2021 at 5:51pm PDT Imperial Beach is home to a large public arts collection supported by the Port of San Diego and has a vibrant volunteer run group called the I B Arts Bureau who has raised funds and Commissioned dozens of new murals. We support this Initiative as a small city the County taking the lead will support our efforts and we in turn will connect with the County. Thank you Supervisor Vargas and Fletcher for your leadership, our whole community will benefit. Imperial Beach Mayor Pro Tem, Ed Spriggs
Naimeh Woodward at August 17, 2021 at 10:02am PDT As the founder of Encinitas Friends of the Arts, I thank you for this opportunity to have a county arts agency. Without our efforts, our under served members would not have access to cultural art programs. Please pass the Recommendations for item #8 Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture. It is important to use the resources, knowledge and experience of Local Arts Agencies, artists, and arts organizations in the Administrator’s 90-day research efforts. Thank you.
Lindy Mamer at August 17, 2021 at 8:00am PDT I support the “Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture” recommendations that will come before the Board on Tuesday, August 17. I think the arts give people a way to cope and better understand the complicated world we all face. It is an important mental health support and is needed throughout San Diego.
Alessandra Moctezuma at August 17, 2021 at 7:42am PDT Arts and culture are essential to our city and county. As a curator, artist and professor of Fine Art and Museum Studies at San Diego Mesa College I witness how the arts enrich the lives or our students and community. We have incredible artists and cultural organizations (big and small) in our region. They are invested in working with our diverse populations and they need more resources and support. Art and culture is also what connects us to the community in the Baja region. Please support.
Kazmier Maslanka at August 16, 2021 at 11:41pm PDT What is the cultural identity of San Diego? Most people outside of the city will exclaim it is the weather, palm trees, or the beach. While these aspects are fine for the tourist business there is so much more our city has to offer. There are numerous subcultures that need to be heard to help provide an identity that transcends the mundanity of the weather. The expression of art is the vehicle that connects all our subcultures and an arts council will help direct our diverse cultural identity.
Nicole Verdes at August 16, 2021 at 10:14pm PDT San Diego's arts and culture community is vital to our economy and to the health and wellbeing of us all. Support for Reimagining Vibrant Communities Through Arts and Culture is an opportunity to build a more equitable and accessible cultural framework here in San Diego. Respectfully submitted--in honor of Larry T. Baza. Sincerely, Nicole Verdes, Pronouns: she/they, Board President, Lambda Archives
Irene Abraham at August 16, 2021 at 9:28pm PDT I am currently the Chair of the Encinitas Commission for the Arts. I strongly support the formation of a San Diego County Commission for Arts and Culture funded by the County Supervisors . Currently we are one of only a few counties in California that does not have such a Commission. The Arts have repeatedly been shown to be a strong driver of economic activity and participation of the entire County in the Arts is important to the vitality of our region.
Tonya Savice at August 16, 2021 at 8:42pm PDT As a Air Force Veteran, I wholeheartedly support the Arts for healing and mental wellness. I’ve been involved in Veterans Art Project located in Vista. It has helped me tremendously while dealing with MST and PTSD issues. To have other facilities for veterans to participate Is a win- win for the veteran and community.
Kathy Archibald at August 16, 2021 at 8:40pm PDT I support Arts & Culture investment! It pays dividends in healthy kids and adults!
Laurie Coskey at August 17, 2021 at 10:23am PDT As the Executive Director of the San Diego Community College District Foundation located at the ECC sitei we see the difference that arts make in community. We house the Theater that will be going under restoration and will be building a gallery space. Our theater has been the primary home for two black under resourced theater companies; Common Ground Theater and the Ira Aldridge Players who provide great performances and necessary voices and opportunities for inclusion! Let's work together!
Denise Rogers at August 17, 2021 at 11:46am PDT Good morning Board of Supervisors,
I am writing in support of the "Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture." I am an Art History professor for the San Diego Community College District. San Diego has a vibrant arts and cultural community that is underfunded. Support is needed to ensure that local arts organizations can continue support underrepresented communities and new opportunities are made available for an arts and cultural centers in local neighborhoods.
Linda Sotelo at August 17, 2021 at 11:24am PDT On behalf of New Americans Museum as the Executive Director, and será advocate leading an organization serving the immigrant, refugee and county wide families I/we are in full support of Supervisors Vargas’ and Fletcher’s proposal for a County Commission on Arts and Culture to unify, represent and set an equity based agenda to serve the regions diverse cultural needs.
Rich Porter at August 17, 2021 at 12:11pm PDT Economic impact of the arts in the City of SD: $500,000,000. The City has a Commission on Arts and Culture to promote a healthy arts community. Population of unincorporated area of the county is 500,000. They deserve a county agency to support the arts, too. Individual communities' identities are supported in part by active arts and culture organizations; each community is recognized by its local arts culture. There is every reason to move forward with a county-wide program for the arts.
Anjanette MarayaRamey at August 17, 2021 at 3:18pm
CULTURE. As a first generation Filipina-American who grew up in the South Bay,
I had limited access to transformative power of the arts. As the founder, CEO
and Artistic Director of a new small business called MARAYA PERFORMING ARTS in
Chula Vista, I've witnessed first hand that the arts can provide economic development
and job opportunities, social emotional growth & healing for historically
marginalized communities. Invest in the arts!
James Aitchison at August 17, 2021 at 1:39pm
PDT I would like to express my support for the creation of a
countywide “Reimagine vibrant communities through arts and culture”
organization. We know children who participate in arts education are better
students. We know arts in a community are an economic engine. Establishing this
organization will maximize participation and availability of the arts to all
who live in or visit our region.
Marcus Deridder at August 17, 2021 at 1:31pm
PDT Hi, I work for the New Children's Museum and have previously
worked for art supply stores. As an artist myself, I recognize the importance
of supporting and funding San Diego's arts community. It's currently
underground, invisible to the naked eye, and so many of its voices are being
silenced due to lack of representation and even acknowledgment. Please do what
you can to elevate its vibrancy ●☆♡☆● thanx
Kate Gevanthor at August 17, 2021 at 1:30pm
PDTI support the reestablishment of the Arts and Culture Commission
Anna Siqueiros at August 17, 2021 at 12:49pm
PDT I'm the President & Founder of the Siqueiros Foundation of
the Arts, focused on community outreach & establishing a vital connection
for SECAN. San Diego is one of the largest counties in California & the
country. It's essential to represent cultural diversity through the arts—a
firm presence to put our artistic endeavors on the map. We need to uplift arts
& culture to bring a change for San Diego’s arts community &
importantly its youth—serving our mission to bring color to a concrete world.
Rich Porter at August 17, 2021 at 12:11pm
PDT Economic impact of the arts in the City of SD: $500,000,000. The
City has a Commission on Arts and Culture to promote a healthy arts community.
Population of unincorporated area of the county is 500,000. They deserve a
county agency to support the arts, too. Individual communities' identities are
supported in part by active arts and culture organizations; each community is
recognized by its local arts culture. There is every reason to move forward
with a county-wide program for the arts.
Denise Rogers at August 17, 2021 at 11:46am
PDT Good morning Board of Supervisors,
I am writing in support of the "Reimagine Vibrant Communities Through Arts
& Culture." I am an Art History professor for the San Diego Community
College District. San Diego has a vibrant arts and cultural community that is
underfunded. Support is needed to ensure that local arts organizations can
continue support underrepresented communities and new opportunities are made
available for an arts and cultural centers in local neighborhoods.
Jovita Arellano at August 17, 2021 at 5:03pm
PDT I would like to express my support for the creation of a
countywide “Reimagine vibrant communities through arts and culture”
organization. I'm a member of the United Lowrider Coalition. It's essential to
represent the lowrider community in its cultural diversity through the Arts.
The lowrider community is throughout San Diego and is seldom seen as arts and
culture. This is the perfect reason to vote yes on this issue and move forward.
Alan Ziter at August 17, 2021 at 4:17pm
PDT I'm writing on behalf of the San Diego Regional Arts &
Culture Coalition, which has been working since 1989 to increase Public Support
for the Arts. Today is an historic day in the County’s efforts to Reimagine
Vibrant Communities Through Arts & Culture, thanks to Supervisors Vargas
and Fletcher. SDRACC encourages YES on Item 8, and offers the resources,
knowledge and experience of Local Arts Agencies, artists, cultural workers and
arts and culture organizations in your 90 day research.