envisioned role of the San Diego County Arts Council (SDCAC) is NOT to manage
the existing county disbursement of funds by the supervisors. Instead it is our
belief that SDCAC will provide a multitude of assets for the benefit of the entire
county. It is then that the Arts and Culture Community can continue to help meet the goals of our county.
- On the state and
federal level, many revenue streams
and resources for arts and culture are simply inaccessible because we lack the collaborative,
leveraged approach needed. National
foundations and funders are increasingly looking for community impact as
priorities and arts and culture offering a collaborative approach will
benefit. SDCAC will capture new
- Strong leadership and
regional connectedness and infrastructure are required to serve the needs
of the entire arts and culture community in our County. Historically and
at this moment, this critical leadership does not exist. Therefore, the
huge arts and culture sector of the county is fractured, siloed, and
underdeveloped. SDCAC will fill
that role of uniting this sector.
- Within the arts and
culture community, lack of communication and collaboration results in
redundant and inefficient use of existing funds, minimizing the overall
impact on our county. SDCAC will guide organizations
receiving funding to better use and leverage those resources.
- According to a James
Irvine Foundation study, 93% of the
population is engaged in the arts. California is rated as the most
profitable creative economy. A large
constituent in our County is interested in and anxiously awaiting
leadership and the resulting success stories. SDCAC can organize this constituency for you.
- Monies received from
the Transit Occupancy Tax (TOT) are significantly based on cultural
tourism, in which visitors stay longer and spend more. SDCAC will increase cultural tourism.
- Arts and Culture is a proven economic driver. Our county will see a stronger
partnership with arts & culture in increasing economic development
(i.e., creative class/arts sector jobs, cultural tourism, quality of life,
community branding, etc.). SDCAC
will increase existing revenues.
- SDCAC will increase ACCESS to arts and culture by
supporting arts organizations, building
innovative collaborations and expanding audiences. It will provide greater
VISIBILITY and promotion of
arts and culture countywide. It will encourage
our cities to COLLABORATE with
the arts community to develop and establish vibrant arts programs that
will attract and retain the talented 21st century workforce, ensuring
sustainability in the global knowledge economy. SDCAC will provide
increased opportunities for ARTS
EDUCATION to San Diego residents, particularly to K-12 children and
youth, and at-risk/under-served populations.
- SDCAC will assist in the county-wide development of Partner Networks for: Arts
Organizations; City Arts Staffs; Arts Commissions Chairs; Arts Funders and Philanthropists; Marketing and Audience
Development; Arts Education; and Arts Advocacy.
- SDCAC will report on best practices, grant
opportunities, creative industries, art districts, and affordable
live/work housing to keep creative
talent in our County.