Patricia by Patricia

Patricia by Patricia
Patricia by Patricia

Friday, July 21, 2023

SDVAN/Synergy 20th Anniversary Celebration HATS ON!

Purchase tickets HERE

Our Double Decade Celebration promises a magical evening loaded with art, dance, DJ, Live music, silent auction and many more surprises…

Delicious food, fun and frivolity with purchase of your ticket. 
Beer/wine $7 per glass/ bottle of wine $25 (Venmo/cash/credit card and ID please)

Valet Parking available on ticket site or at the venue ($10)

are inviting you to celebrate our 
20th Anniversary Celebration
on Saturday, September 16th, 2023 6 pm to 10 pm 
at Institute of Contemporary Art San Diego North
Rustic Garden Setting. Adults only, please. 

 SDVAN and SAF combined to create the San Diego Synergy Arts Network in 2006, but they both started as non-profits in 2003 using a fiscal agent.  SDVAN is a cheer leader for all things visual and SAF promotes artists helping artists in need.  We have worked closely together and want this event to mark that extraordinary sisterly relationship. 

We hope you plan to attend. Purchase tickets HERE 

We are also looking for VOLUNTEERS to help with our plans to have a fabulous party on the night. Contact Patricia or Naomi or go directly to the Sign Up Genius  if you want to become involved.

We have so many surprises in store for those who attend. Jefferson Jay, creator, collaborator, promoter & producer of so much music in San Diego will be our master of ceremonies to welcome:

Paella being prepared by Chef Javier Rubio from San Diego Chefs Foundation.

There is a memorial art show of the work of Dan Adams. If creativity is making something original and if an artist is someone who thinks outside of the box, if the quality of creativity is judged by authenticity, then Dan Adams is the consummate artist. Many of Dan’s very special small canvases will be for sale.

Israel Maldonado our DJ and there will be dancing to his live band Puente, featuring Brazilian, Afro-Brazilian and Afro-Cuban beats, and traditional Latin dance rhythms

 Litvak will perform a live duo dance. “LITVAKdance is committed to growing the arts, particularly dance, in the NorthWest region of San Diego.  This is our home; we live here, we teach here, we work here, we were educated here, and we want to give back to our communities through the stories we tell with our moving bodies.”

You can participate in creating an interactive painting with Patty Rangel. Patty is passionate about ARTivism and empowering Indigenous Nations. She has been involved with Global Ecovillage Network since 2007.

Entertainment Café  will enliven the scene with special costumes. They specialize in performance  art European-style street theater

Wear your favorite chapeaux or try on one from our Hat Boutique.

We are grateful for all those supporters who contributed to our Silent Auction. 

More surprises in store.  Come and see…

 San Diego Visual Arts Network (SDVAN) and Synergy Arts Foundation (SAF) 
20th Anniversary Celebration 
Saturday, September 16th, 2023 6 pm to 10 pm
Institute of Contemporary Art San Diego North
1550 S. El Camino Real, Encinitas 92024

Purchase tickets  HERE    Volunteer  Sign Up Genius