1. Because of an increase in the financial influence of Millennial, fast-paced growth of crowdfunding and the increase in number of institutional funders focusing on investment on innovation, the continued trend will be growth in capital for innovation.
2. The massive growth of mobile will continue and will emphasis self empowerment which means interactions using the smart devices instead of just viewing
3. Large non-profits will start making more funding available for innovation. They did not traditional see this as a priority, but they will more and more act as the catalysts of collaborations that support a healthy environment for social innovation.
4. We want to use massive data analysis to help us solve our most critical problems in a way that is sustainable for the future. This year, we will see an even more aggressive adoption of data intelligence for guiding social solution design
5. Corporation are trending toward innovation in social issue and away from simply growing profits from shareholders. This is the kinder side of big business.